ACNA: A Conversation on Race…

A Conversation on Race and Mission Among African Americans April 27-28, 2015 A Collect for the Human Family: O God, you made us in your own image and redeemed us through Jesus your Son: Look with compassion on the whole human family; take away the arrogance and hatred which infect our hearts; break down the walls that separate us; unite us in bonds of love; and work through our struggle and confusion to accomplish your purposes on earth; that, in your good time, all nations and races may serve you in harmony around your heavenly throne; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen....

Christmas in Davidson

Christmas in Davidson

We had a blast serving free Land of a Thousand Hills coffee at Christmas in Davidson. Thanks so much for everyone who helped make it happen – especially Lucy Albert for tirelessly organizing, Ken Baezsler for keeping the coffee flowing, and of course the talented Frank Albert for the excellent musical accompaniment.

All Saints Sunday

All Saints Sunday

Congrats to Rosalie Catherine Kologe and the Kologe family! Grant, O Lord, that all who are baptized into the death of Jesus Christ your Son may live in the power of his resurrection and look for him to come again in glory; who lives and reigns now and forever. Amen

Womens Beach Retreat

The women of Good Shepherd were invited to a retreat held at North Myrtle Beach during the first weekend of October. Our group discussion focused on the names of God and their impact on our relationships with him. The weather proved to be marvelous, the camaraderie, great; and the fellowship, priceless. We hope you’ll join us next year!

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