Bible-based activities for children of all ages.
We offer fun, educational care for children.
Nursery Care
0 – 2 years old
9:45am – 11:30am
Located in the 1st classroom on the RIGHT when entering the Lobby.
Infants through age 2 years old are invited to the nursery prior to the start of our worship gathering. Our experienced caregivers will be eagerly awaiting the arrival of our smallest members and visitors each Sunday morning! Please bring diapers and snacks for your child (labeled with their name) and speak with the caregivers about any allergies or special instructions.
God’s Big Story
3 years old – 5th grade
10:05am – 11:00am
3 – 6 years old: Located in the 2nd classroom on the RIGHT when entering the Lobby
7 – 10 years old: Located in the 2nd classroom down the hallway on the LEFT when entering the Lobby.
Children ages 3 years old through 5th grade sit with their family at the beginning of the worship gathering. Shortly after the service begins, the Priest will bless and dismiss the children. Our Children’s Ministry volunteers will escort them to their age appropriate classroom. The children will be lead through a meaningful worship experience using the God’s Big Story curriculum. Children will be escorted back to the Sanctuary to celebrate communion with their families.
All students, new and returning, must submit a registration and release form at the beginning of each school year.
News & Updates
Let us know if you would like to receive news and updates from Good Shepherd Children’s Ministry.

What is God’s Big Story?
The curriculum is rooted in the incredible truth that God has come to rescue his children from their own sin through his Son Jesus Christ. It explores the biblical narrative from creation and the fall to Jesus’ sacrificial victory on the cross to the promise of a new heaven and earth. GBS is taught in the context of worship through liturgy, song, scripture memory, story presentation, wondering questions, catechesis (teaching of doctrine and the faith), prayer, and many reflective and creative responses geared to a variety of age groups.
Please contact Jennifer Ford, the Director of Children’s Ministries, with questions about the God’s Big Story curriculum or any other aspect of children’s ministries at Good Shepherd Anglican.
Please contact her at

Creation Camp 2023
God made a “wildly wonderful world” full of amazing creatures that delight and glorify him. Through daily devotions, nature study, and play, children learn that all of God’s works are good and that they themselves are beloved creations. We will use the “Wild Wonder Camp” curriculum created by A Roche, a national community of Christians working in biodiversity conservation to protect and restore vulnerable habitats, species, and communities.
To learn more about the Wild Wonder Camp curriculum, click HERE.