Hometown: Warren, PA
Family info: Husband, Chris Ford, Ainsley, age 8, Austin, age 6
When did you come to Good Shepherd? 2009
What do you love about your role here? I love that I get to share God’s word with the kids in our church in a creative and engaging way.
What schools have you attended since high school? Duquesne University and The Pennsylvania State Dickinson School of Law.
In addition to the Bible, what books have influenced your thought? Not so much specific books, but authors such as Mark Levin and C.S. Lewis. I read too many books to narrow it down.
Deserted island, three albums: Dave Matthews Band, Live at Red Rocks, Radiohead, The Bends and Counting Crows, August and Everything After. Yes, I’m old.
What do you do for fun? Boat with my family, paddle board, and read.
Who do you want to be when you grow up? I’m still trying to figure that out!