MJ Moran

Administrative Assistant, Vestry Clerk

Hometown: Baltimore, MD

Family Info: Stepson, Daughter-in-Law and two Grandsons in Asheville.

When did you come to Good Shepherd? In the Spring of 2014.

What do you love about your role here? I love using my computer skills to assist the great staff and congregation of Good Shepherd. I also love the flexibility of my role.

What schools have you attended since high school? Catonsville Community College – A.A. Data Processing Technology; University of Baltimore; Towson State (now Towson University) – B.A. Economics.

In addition to the Bible, what books have influenced your thought? Heaven by Randy Alcorn; “Managing God’s Money” by Randy Alcorn.

Deserted island, three albums: Lion King soundtrack; Lionel Richie Renaissance album; and CDs that my husband, Pat, made containing a variety of songs from different artists.

What do you do for fun? Visit family, travel, sew, garden, bike, hang out with friends, take long walks, and golf when I have time.

Who do you want to be when you grow up? With God’s help, the kind, loving friend, sister, daughter, stepmother, grandmother, aunt, and neighbor that I try to be.

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