Yesterday our youth group joined three other churches (our friends from Camp BOOYAH!) for the Spring Fling – an afternoon of sunshine, laughter, ridiculousness, and pizza.
After a series of competitive games including dance routines and eating bananas without hands, the orange team (“The Seedless Cuties”) – which coincidently included our very own Ethan Albert, Anna Simmons, Alex Fountas, Zach Simpson, and Jordan Kologe – demolished the competition with the utmost of ease, receiving not only the respect of their peers, but $5 for Chick-fil-A.
Church of the Redeemer pastor Drew Hill shared about our identity as God’s kids. The heart of God is for his children to play, to be free, and to let who we are be defined by what he says instead of what others tell us.
Thank you to Angie Simmons and Zach Simpson for coming along and diving right in! And I do mean literally diving – both of them have the battle scars to prove it! Ask them to tell you more…