Acts 20:22-32 Luke 15:1-7
Sermon Category: Epiphany
Then and Now | 1.29.2023
Matthew 5:1-12 In Christ the future moves into the present, and we are presently blessed for it.
King of the World, Light of the World | 1.22.2023
Matthew 4:12-22 Having Jesus as king is the good news.
Identity & Inheritance | 1.15.2023
1 Corinthians 1:1-9 In Christ, we already are enough, and we already have enough!
Every Nation at the Same Table | 1.8.2023
Acts 10:34-38 The fact that God shows no partiality is both good news for every people group and a call for greater racial diversity in the local church.
The Lone Voice | 2.27.2022
Luke 9:28-36 As the beloved and chosen Son of God, Jesus is the one to whom we must listen.
Resembling God | 2.20.2022
Luke 6:27-38 We participate in missions most faithfully and most fruitfully by becoming like our Heavenly Father.